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  • Job Seeker Registration_895.png

    How to Enrol as Job Seekers

    1. In the home page, scroll down to the section “Are You Looking For Job!” and Click Enroll as Job Seeker Button.
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    3. Terms and Conditions Page will open. Click the check box below and then click Accept and Continue.
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    5. The online registration Page will open.
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    7. In the top, there is a link “Documents required for Registration”. On clicking the link, a pop up will open which will display the documents required for Registration along with the File Size and File Type.
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    9. For getting the full benefit of Job Search/Job Placement, you are advised to fill all the columns as applicable.
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    11. * Marked fields are Mandatory.
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    13. On the Date of application, Date of Birth should be >= 18.
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    15. Fill all the fields in Personal Section as applicable.
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    17. Fill all the fields in Address of Communication and Permanent Address section as applicable. In case both Address of Communication and Permanent Address is same, you can click the check box “Permanent Address is as same as Address of Communication.
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    19. In Address of Communication, if State is not West Bengal, then District, Subdivision and Block/Municipality/Corporation will be deactivated. You have to fill the Pincode only.
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    21. Permanent Address should be of West Bengal only. As a proof, you have to select Resident proof Document Type and subsequently Resident Proof ID No.
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    23. Though Email Id is not mandatory, it is always advisable to give Email Id so that you can get system generated emails time to time as an when floated.
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    25. Fill all the Educational Details Chronologically and upload the respective documents as proof of Education. You can add multiple qualifications if any by clicking Add New button.
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    27. Select the Languages known and respectively the competencies (Read/Write/Speak/Speak Fluently. You can add multiple by clicking Add New button.
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    29. Select Medium/Language for Secondary Education, Sector of Interest and Skillsets. Maximum 4 Sector of Interests can be selected. Multiple Skillsets acan be added by clicking Add New Skill button.
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    31. Enter all the Employment Details if applicable. Multiple Employment Details can be added by clicking Add New button.
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    33. Enter the values in Physical Measurement section (Height in cm, Weight is Kg and Chest in cm).
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    35. Fill all the values in Additional Information section.
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    37. In Case you are interested in Self Employment, you have to fill the Area of Interest.
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    39. Fill all the fields in Current Job Role section, if applicable.
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    41. Finally Upload all the necessary documents as applicable in correct Format and Size (which is already mentioned in top in the link “Documents required for Registration”.
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    43. On Submitting the profile, you will get a preview page, where you can able to check all your entries and if any correction/change need to be done, you can go back to the Registration Page and make the necessary corrections/changes and finally submit the online Registration form.
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    45. On successful submission, one temporary registration will be generated and will be displayed onscreen and the same can be downloaded from the link below in that page. Please note that you will get a single option to download the temporary registration details. If you leave the page without download, you will not get a option later to download the same again and you have to approach the respective Employment Exchange.
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    47. Once the online registration application is submitted, it will be forwarded to respective authority for approval.
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    49. Whether the application is approved or rejected, in the both the cases you will get the information in SMS which will be sent to your registered Mobile No.
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    51. In case of approval of your registration, Your Final Registration ID along with the Password will be sent through SMS and using the Registration Id and Password, you can able to Login to your Dashboard where you will get the option to update your profile time to time, Search and Apply for Jobs, Follow Companies and many more features.
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